Mayor moves forward with Pink Line metro expansion

Oct 23 2018, 12:01 am

Mayor Valérie Plante is moving forward with plans for a Montreal Pink Line, her public transit project that would connect the island’s north and southwest boroughs.

The Plante administration has set aside $1 million to form a new office and assemble a committee to assess the potential of the proposed metro expansion project, which was the core promise during her campaign in the municipal elections.

The committee consists of six experts whom will offer additional recommendations and information about the Pink Line project, including studying the technical aspects of the suggested route, as well as the potential economic, environmental, and urban benefits.

Plante said her committee will decide whether it should take the form of an underground network or some other mode of transport, based on her team’s studies.

Pink Line

Valérie Plante/Twitter

Monday’s announcement doesn’t come without a bit of drama, however. The incoming provincial government is not willing to invest in the transit project.

The eventual plan is to have the Pink Line ease traffic on the roads, offer simple transit to downtown, decrease the environmental impact on the island and reduce traffic on the Metro’s Orange Line.

See also

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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