August will end with warm, sunny weather in Montreal

Aug 25 2017, 12:27 am

Sunny skies will be taking over Montreal for the remainder of August.

According to The Weather Network, the next week will see nothing but sun and warm weather. So it might be a good idea to head to the beach and get that last minute tan or cross off some items from your summer bucket list. 

Weather Network

Image: The Weather Network

Temperatures will hover just above 20°C, which is nothing to complain about given this week’s awful storm.

The only day you might want to think about bringing out the umbrella is on August 31, as The Weather Network is predicting a few isolated showers.

But despite the light rain, we’ll take all the sun we can get!

After all, fall and winter are just around the corner so we know that Vitamin D won’t be here for long.

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