It's expected to feel 16ºC warmer in Montreal between today and tomorrow

Jan 21 2020, 5:14 pm

Montreal has been dealing with some pretty January-esque temperatures and snow this past week but warmer days are on the horizon.

According to The Weather Network, it’s forecasted to feel 16ºC warmer between now and tomorrow.

The Weather Network

It currently feels like a frigid -20ºC and tomorrow is expected to feel like a much more comfortable -4ºC as the temperature is forecasted to hover over 0ºC with “a mix of sun and clouds.”

Equally encouraging from a weather standpoint, the rest of the workweek isn’t expected to feel colder than -8ºC as temperatures will flutter just below freezing.

The Weather Network

The end of the week forecasts a few flurries as a total of 4 cm of snow can be expected by the end of Sunday.

It’s not exactly bathing suit weather (yet) but it doesn’t seem like we’ll be digging our cars out of snowbanks again this week.

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