What Montreal's Metro looked like 55 years ago (PHOTOS)

Oct 14 2021, 7:51 pm

Back in 1966, man had not yet landed on the moon, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones topped the charts, and The Toronto Maple Leafs were on the verge of starting the longest Stanley Cup draught of all time.

Meanwhile, Montreal was the newest city to get its very own subway system.

What we now know as the Metro was first inaugurated on October 14, 1966, under Mayor Jean Drapeau’s tenure. When it opened to the public that day there were only two lines you could ride: green and orange. Stops through the city’s main arteries were the first to be built.

The following year, more stops were added, including the unveiling of the yellow line, which was of major convenience during EXPO 67, as Montreal sat atop the world’s stage.

Pictures from Archives de MontrĂ©al give us a great glimpse into what riding the Metro was like in its infancy. Aside from the clothes and film grain, it doesn’t look quite as different as you’d think.

montreal metro

Construction of a Metro station (1963), Archives de Montréal

Delivering the first metro cart with Mayor Jean Drapeau, Lucien Saulnier, Paul-Émile LĂ©ger, and engineer Lucien L’Allier, Archives de MontrĂ©al


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