Yahoo Sports Canada has shut down operations

Dec 2 2023, 12:33 am

Yahoo Sports Canada is shutting down after years of serving sports fans across the country.

Senior content producer Amit Mann broke the news today in a post to social media platform X.

“Yahoo Sports Canada’s run has come to an end, the game is the game… The memories, opportunities and people made it special,” he said.

“Yahoo Sports Canada was a place journalists and content producers could learn, grow and succeed. The industry is going to miss it.”

The website provided coverage of a wide range of topics across the sports world, including all of the major leagues in North America.

The outlet had a large social media following with more than 50,000 followers on Instagram, 30,000 on YouTube, and 18,000 on X. All of those accounts were dormant today, and no new stories were posted on the website.