A provincial park just outside of Edmonton just got MUCH bigger

Jan 25 2024, 11:32 pm

Alberta Forestry and Parks is making changes to 18 provincial parks, adding more than 1,400 hectares to the provincial park system and creating two new parks in northern Alberta.

Of the new changes, 238 hectares of land are being added to a provincial park located just northwest of Edmonton.

The new Kleskun Hills Provincial Park will include more than 1,000 hectares of protected land, and the La Biche Provincial Recreation Area will add more than 65 hectares of additional protected land while offering “rustic facilities and camping areas for recreational users,” a release from the province said.

Additionally, 238 hectares of land will be added to Lois Hole Centennial Provincial Park, 2.9 hectares of land will be added to Bleriot Ferry Provincial Recreation Area, and 37 hectares of land will be added to Peaceful Valley Provincial Recreation Area in the central region.

“The expansion of the provincial parks system creates opportunities for Albertans to visit and appreciate some of Alberta’s most spectacular landscapes,” stated Todd Loewen, minister of Forestry and Parks.

“The changes we are making will enhance the ability to access and enjoy our province’s outdoor spaces without impacting recreational use.”

The province said 10 sites around the province will also be redesignated as public lands, adding that it will “ensure continued public access to these areas” and “will continue to support recreation and other uses” under the Public Lands Act.
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