Brrr: Edmonton is set to dip into the negatives tonight with wind chill at play

Oct 2 2024, 4:53 pm

If you thought we still had a little bit more time before the weather took a turn with temperatures dipping below zero in Edmonton, think again.

The city is set to see a frosty night tonight, with the overnight low in the negatives and the return of the dreaded wind chill.

Wednesday’s rainy high of 10°C may already feel cold, but tonight’s low will be extra bitter. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) forecasts a low of -2°C overnight, with the wind chill making things feel a little more like -4°C.


Thankfully, this is the coldest point of the week, and temperatures are slowly creeping upwards until Monday, when we’re due for a balmy 20°C.

When we spoke to ECCC last week about what we can expect to see weather-wise in the area this month, they told us that the mean daily high in October hovers around 10°C in Edmonton.

So, it may be time to bust out the thick socks and turn on the heat, and if you’re still growing things in your garden, you’ll surely want to cover them up tonight!

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