Return-to-office mandate triggers fury among remote workers

Feb 18 2024, 8:58 pm

One remote worker’s tweets recounting the story of being forced back into the office proves that the return-to-office war isn’t quite over yet.

Jauwn @Jauwnio is a YouTuber and US-based employee hired as a remote worker. In a now-viral tweet with over 35 million views, he stated that after being hired to work remotely several years ago, his company announced that employees would need to return to the office.

He continued that the company determined which employees were required to return to the office based on a circle drawn around each of their ten offices. Jauwn explained that because of the labour laws in his state, there’s nothing he can do legally despite being hired as a remote worker.

“My new apartment is right on the edge of one circle, meaning I must now go into the office,” he said. Additionally, employees weren’t allowed to relocate outside that area “without company approval.”

For Jauwn, that would mean a three-hour commute and no longer having time for his hobbies. He said he emailed HR, stating, “Please let me know when my last day will be so I can inform my team.” His message was ignored, but he discovered that his “‘angry email’ to HR made its way all the way up the chain.”

“Entire offices refused to come back to work,” he said. “EU-based staff who were contractually obligated to permanently work from home are threatening to sue for breach of contract.”

In the end, no one was fired, and the company backtracked.

His advice for people whose jobs can be done remotely:

One user suggested that employees are being forced back to the office so managers can see them working.

But not everyone is on board with remote work.

Where do you stand on this debate?

Irish Mae SilvestreIrish Mae Silvestre

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