Canadian school trustee says "the Holy Spirit" told her to post Nazi meme

Oct 18 2023, 4:20 pm

A school board trustee who came under fire for posting a meme on social media comparing waving 2SLGBTQIA+ flags to Nazi propaganda says she was told by “the Holy Spirit” to “just go for it.”

Monique LaGrange’s reasoning behind posting the meme was outlined in a 15-page document released by the Red Deer school board on Monday. 

LaGrange cited her religious beliefs as influencing her views. Included in her explanation for posting the controversial meme was believing it reflected the truth about the contemporary world, questioning whether it would be understood, and ultimately trusting the Holy Spirit.

LaGrange’s lawyer, James Kitchen, says it might be hard for some people to understand, but there are many who will. 

“If you’re not a Christian, or even if you are, you might think this is a bit hokey or a bit too spiritually weird or whatever but for a lot of Christians this is very normal and that’s just Monique. She’s just one of these Christians that she prays a lot, she has a close relationship with God,” says Kitchen.

“The Bible says when we make major decisions it’s good to pray about them and seek the Lord’s will as Christians often say. So in this case, she felt like, ‘I think this meme is fitting, I think it’s accurate, I think it would be good to post this but I’m going to pray about it and see if the Holy Spirit confirms that for me.’ So she did and the Holy Spirit was like, ‘Yeah, look, this is a good idea, go ahead, you’re on the right track.”

He also added that the majority of Catholic schools are all as “pro-sinful behaviour as public schools.”

“They’re urban, they’re big, they’re woke, they’re liberal, they’re left-wing, they’re no different in substance than public schools. They just slap Jesus and a cross on it.”

reason school board

Report from Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools Board

According to the school district, Lagrange’s legal counsel requested that the reasons be released publicly.

On September 26, the school made a disciplinary decision that included stipulations for her to remain in her current position, including limiting her from speaking on behalf of the board, attending school board events, and sitting on committees.

school trustee


She was also told to issue a public apology and attend sensitivity training. LaGrange has refused to accept these last two points, and her lawyer says they are “ideologically motivated” and a way to enforce a “woke worldview.”

Emma Kilburn-SmithEmma Kilburn-Smith

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