Lights, camera, BANG! Loud explosion startles Canadian anchor during newscast (VIDEO)

Jul 5 2023, 5:34 pm

Breaking news meant something entirely different during an explosive newscast that led to one BC news anchor being momentarily startled.

On Tuesday, Global BC news anchor Chris Gailus was talking about a story related to ICBC and safety before the incident happened roughly 45 minutes into the newscast.

Gailus was talking about safety before the explosion was heard, saying, “Some are asking if it compromises…” before the explosion goes off. He gets startled slightly in response before finishing his sentence with “safety.”

The explosion was thanks to a light that blew up.

Global BC shared the video in a tweet and said the same thing happened in 2011. Everyone laughed about it after the fact.

Gailus added that the explosion he felt during his Global BC newscast was perfect for some 4th of July fireworks.

At the end of the video, you can see the last time this happened to Gailus in February 2011; clearly, he wasn’t as startled on Tuesday as the last time it happened:

bc news explosion


“You feel like you’re under fire,” Gailus said, referencing the last time it happened.