Tony Robbins charging up to $1,500 to attend his Calgary event

Sep 22 2017, 10:36 pm

Motivation is a valuable thing. It can lift us up, encourage us to become something more, to go the extra mile, discover new horizons – but ascribing a monetary value to that worth is kind of a tricky business.

Power of Success with Tony Robbins and Friends is in that business, offering strategies for “business skills,” “wealth creation,” “motivation to conquer your fear,” “overcome any obstacles,” and “how to achieve success in all areas of your life.”

Sounds pretty life changing in a kind of vague, unspecific way, right?

Unfortunately, anyone hoping to gain these skills will have to pony up $229 to $1,495 to attend the event in Calgary – think of it as an investment in yourself, rather than, you know, an actual, getting-your-money-back-and-then-some kind of investment.

See also

To be fair, the $1,495 Platinum Ticket – that is, the level above General, Executive, and VIP – comes with a pretty sweet package: You’ll sit in the front four rows, attend a luncheon with the speakers, get a photo op with Tony, and a copy of his book.

Not a bad deal for the same price you would pay for a third-hand vehicle, and the memories won’t ever depreciate in value.

The events starts at 9 am on Wednesday, December 20, so it’s the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to an early Christmas present – but just remember, there are no refunds.

Power of Success with Tony Robbins and Friends

When: Wednesday, December 20

Time: 9 am to 8 pm MST

Where: Calgary Stampede – 1410 Olympic Way SE

Admission: $229 to $1,495, available at Eventbrite