Poilievre says Trudeau should give Canadians a "summer break" on all federal fuel taxes

May 16 2024, 11:05 pm

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre wants the federal government to consider giving Canadians a “fuel tax holiday” during the upcoming spring and summer travel season.

In a press conference held at a Vancouver gas station on Thursday, Poilievre spoke to the media about his proposal to temporarily pause the carbon tax, federal excise tax, and GST on fuel and diesel.

“Canadians… need a break for god sake. And that’s why common sense Conservatives are calling for an end to gas and diesel taxes from Victoria Day to Labour Day to give Canadians a summer break,” he said.

Poilievre added the move could reduce gas prices by 35 cents per litre,” allowing families to get on the road or go off to their favourite campsite, maybe a cottage or a cabin.”

There are various types of fuel taxes in Canada. The federal government charges an excise tax at a flat rate of 10 cents per litre on gasoline and 4 cents per litre on diesel.

Provincial governments also collect gasoline and diesel taxes that vary per province. Three municipalities in the country (Vancouver, Victoria, and Montreal) also implement their own gas taxes.

On April 1, a federal carbon tax increase was also implemented across the country.

“Canadians need that now more than ever with how miserable things are going in this country of ours,” noted Poilievre.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked about Poilievre’s proposal in a separate press conference in New Brunswick on Thursday.

“I think the conversation should be had with the provinces as well, who are responsible for a significant part of excise taxes and taxes on… gasoline across the country,” said Trudeau.

He said that his government also provides the Canada Carbon Rebate four times a year to Canadians (who live in provinces that have opted into the federal plan).

BC, the Northwest Territories, and Quebec have their own territorial and provincial systems but continue to meet the federal benchmark stringency requirements.

“That is the way we designed the fight against climate change. We put a price on pollution to incentivize people to pollute less, and we’re putting more money in the pockets of families across the country,” said Trudeau.

“So when Pierre Poilievre talks about scrapping the price on pollution, he’s also talking about eliminating those Canada Carbon Rebate cheques that come in… that helps offset not just to cost of gas but the cost of groceries, the cost of living that go up left right and centre.”