Why you're seeing #MeToo all over social media today

Oct 16 2017, 8:18 pm

A simple hashtag is making its way across social media platforms today with viral speed. #MeToo has become a symbol of the scope of sexual harassment and assault.

Women and men have been encouraged to share the hashtag to show how widespread the issue of sexual abuse is, and how infrequently it’s addressed. The hashtag was started by actress Alyssa Milano.

“If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet,” she wrote on Sunday.

By Monday, the tweet had made its way on to other social platforms, and the hashtag had gone viral, as people share stories of their sexual assault experiences.

Milano recently wrote about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, and the issue of sexual assault.

“While I am sickened and angered over the disturbing accusations of Weinstein’s sexual predation and abuse of power, I’m happy – ecstatic even – that it has opened up a dialogue around the continued sexual harassment, objectification and degradation of women,” she wrote. “To the women who have suffered any form of abuse of power, I stand beside you.”

Her tweet has since inspired many to come forward, as #MeToo continues to trend online.

Last week, Montreal actress Erika Rosenbaum spoke out against Weinstein, claiming that he sexually harassed and assaulted her.

Rosenbaum spoke after The New York Times published an investigation on Weinstein’s abusive behaviour. Since then, over 30 women have come forward alleging the producer abused and sexually harassed them.

Weinstein has since been fired from The Weinstein Company.

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