Lime officially launches in Calgary with 1,000 electric scooters

Jul 15 2019, 11:04 pm

Electric scooters are now a part of Calgary’s transportation options, after Lime officially launched its electric scooter share fleet in the city over the weekend.

See also

The San Francisco-based company says their initial fleet of 300 electric scooters was made available over the weekend, and the number will be expanded to a maximum of 1,000 electric scooters over the coming week.

“Calgary’s forward-thinking commitment to providing its community with diverse transportation options is inspiring and we are proud to partner with the city on that goal,” said Nate Currey, the Canada West senior operators manager of Lime, in a statement.

“Adding a fleet of electric scooters to the city’s transportation network — providing more options for easy and affordable transportation across Calgary — is the perfect way to celebrate the recent milestone of 100,000 Lime-E bike rides.”

Lime electric scooter share

Lime electric scooter share. (Kris Krug / Lime)

This is intended to be a pilot project, and complements the company’s existing bike share program in the city. Lime’s electric scooters will initially be available through the middle of fall, until November 1, 2019, for a winter break, before restarting from March 16 to October 31, 2020.

The City of Calgary is expected to consider permanent forms of electric scooter sharing after evaluating the results of this pilot project period.

Riders of the app-controlled, GPS-enabled electric scooters are reminded that the devices are designed for one rider at a time, and can only be legally used on sidewalks, protected bike lanes, and approved pathways, with a maximum speed limit of 20 km/h.

These electric scooters cannot be used in bus zones, transitways, CTrain platforms, station terminals, MAX stations, buildings, parkades, and the +15 skyway network.

The scooters are dockless for added convenience.

Only individuals aged 18 and over can use these devices.

Lime electric scooter share

Lime electric scooter share. (Kris Krug / Lime)

See also

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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