Here's what Calgary's most adventurous corgi has been up to (PHOTOS)

Jul 20 2019, 4:34 am

Calgary’s most adventurous corgi is living it up in the Rocky Mountains.

We first featured Lilo, a three-year-old corgi from Calgary, in an article last July after we discovered that she was quite the little hiker, and those legs have apparently just kept on moving in the time since.

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Looking at Lilo’s Instagram account, the aptly named lowrider_lilo, we found that she has checked out Sunwapta Falls, Waterton Lakes National Parks, and Johnston Canyon to name just a few of Alberta’s most picturesque locations.


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Lilo has also gotten some slick new goggles and a few new bandanas to complete the “doggo on a mission” look.

Lilo’s owner, Aiko Dolatre, spoke to us last year about what it’s like taking such a short-legged pup on some of Alberta’s most beautiful hikes.

“She has been on a couple of hiking trips with other bigger dogs and she has always been able to keep up with them. She’s very confident and she’s even a much better hiker than myself,” said Dolatre in an email to Daily Hive.


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“Her short legs don’t really pose a problem for us, other than she gets muddy quicker than other dogs — in these cases, she looks like she’s wearing dirty socks and her belly gets the brunt of it.”

Lilo can usually make it the entire way through any given hike, says Dolatre, though her small size does come in handy if she ever needs to be carried through any really rough parts of a trail.


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“We really only have to carry her on difficult sections of a hike, such as the ladder, tunnel, and chain grab sections at the Crypt Lake hike,” Dolatre said.

Her owner says that jumping up is not too much of a problem either, as this little doggo can jump pretty high. However, she needs assistance in jumping down as it is “not good for her stumpy legs.”


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“Lilo’s favourite spots are found within Calgary at dog parks that allow her to be off-leash so she can freely catch a frisbee and go swimming like Bowmont Park. Our hiking trips are definite great bonding moments, but she’s really herself when she’s off-leash and we can typically only do that at dog parks,” said Dolatre.

“And of course, home — because home is where the food is.”


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