What's the wildest thing a landlord has ever asked of you?

Dec 12 2023, 3:18 pm

Whether it’s with a no-pets clause or a condition to not mount anything on the walls, a bad landlord can ruin your renting experience.

Canada’s housing shortage and skyrocketing rents are enough to defeat tenants around the country, especially in metropolitan cities.

According to the latest rent report from Rentals.ca, Vancouver has hit an average rent of $2,866 for one-bedroom units. In Toronto, a two-bedroom unit will cost you a mind-boggling $3,450 monthly.

So it stings a little harder when you’re dealing with weird — and often illegal — landlord behaviours, like asking for your bank statements or demanding you pay several months of rent at once when you sign a lease.

Worse yet, some force existing tenants to pay out of pocket for the light wear and tear or feel entitled to visit the unit any time they want without proper notice.

Have you experienced something like this in your renting experience?

For a future news story, use the Google Form below to tell us the wildest thing a landlord has asked of you while renting or applying to rent a place.

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