Prime Minister Trudeau sets a date to visit BC after Tofino controversy

Oct 15 2021, 6:30 pm

Many Canadians decried the actions of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on September 30, the first-ever National Truth and Reconciliation Day, after he declined two invites to visit a First Nation government in BC.

The prime minister chose to visit Tofino with his family, instead of accepting invites from the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc.

He subsequently apologized for his declining of the invitation and has now set a date to visit.

Trudeau will be meeting with the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc and Kukpi7 Chief Roseanne Casimir on Monday, October 18, in Kamloops, BC.

The Temlúps te Secwépemc issued a statement following Trudeau’s failure to visit, expressing disappointment with his decision.


Monday’s meeting will not be a public event, and will only be accessibly by members of the Nation.

Anyone over the age of 12 will be expected to show proof of full vaccination.

Temlúps te Secwépemc made headlines earlier this year, when they revealed the tragic discovery of human remains at a former residential school in Kamloops.

Amir AliAmir Ali

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