4 more coronavirus cases in Alberta prompt new public health restrictions

Mar 12 2020, 10:21 pm

The Province of Alberta is asking organizers to cancel any events over 250 people following four more presumptive cases of COVID-19 being confirmed in the province.

New public health measures adopted by the province also include the recommended cancelling of any event of over 50 attendees that expect to have international participants or involves critical infrastructure staff, seniors, or other high-risk populations.

The restrictions do not apply to places of worship, grocery stores, shopping centres, or airports, according to the release.

“We are doing everything possible to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our province,” said Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, in the release.

“The virus is spreading rapidly and is now a global threat. We are implementing these new measures to slow its spread and limit the risks in the weeks ahead. Protecting the health of Albertans is, and always will be, our top priority.”

The measures come along an announcement that four more presumptive cases of coronavirus, also known as coronavirus, had been detected in the province, all being found in Calgary.

One case is that of a two-year-old child who tested positive after returning from a vacation in Florida with their family.

The child had attended a daycare centre from March 2 to 6, and Suncor Spokesperson Erin Rees confirmed in a phone interview with Daily Hive that the Pump-kin Patch Child Care Centre at the Suncor Energy Centre building in Calgary had been closed once the case was confirmed on March 11.

“This is a case where the processes worked; The child was unwell, they didn’t come into the daycare, they sought medical help, they were tested, and as soon as the case was confirmed yesterday afternoon, the daycare was immediately closed,” Rees said in the interview.

The families of the other daycare children will be in self-isolation until March 20 on the recommendation of Dr. Hinshaw.

The infected child is expected to make a full recovery, the release states.

The three other new cases are all from the Calgary area, and include a woman in her 30s, a man in his 50s, and a woman in her 70s.

Albertans are also advised to avoid travel outside of the country.

“The coming weeks are vital in our fight to protect Alberta from COVID-19. These are serious steps, and ones we do not take lightly,” said Alberta’s Minister of Health, Tyler Shandro, in the release.

“I am calling on every Albertan and organization to assist our public health efforts and do their very best to comply with the public health guidance. It is critical that Albertans come together to do our part in keeping Albertans healthy and safe.”

With coronavirus on the rise, Health Canada is reminding individuals who attend events and large gatherings to monitor their health for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. And if you’re not feeling well, they recommend staying home at this time. Also, due to unexpected cancellations, please check the event you plan to attend is still taking place. Keep up with COVID-19 news here.