Charges pending 2 years after baby found in dumpster on Christmas Eve

Jan 24 2020, 6:01 pm

It has been over two years since police discovered a deceased baby in a Bowness dumpster on Christmas Eve, 2017, and charges are finally in motion in relation to the incident.

A release from the Calgary Police Service states that charges of indignity to a dead human body and failure to provide necessaries of life are pending following an investigation that saw over 70 tips and the first use ever of DNA phenotyping by CPS.

Initial autopsy results showed that the baby had, at some point after birth, been breathing on her own, according to the release.

“This is a case that weighed heavily on the minds and hearts of not only investigators but the larger community,” said Staff Sgt. Martin Schiavetta in the release.

“While particulars surrounding motive and intent will unfold as part of the court process, we hope this provides some level of closure for all involved.”

In early 2018, CPS used DNA phenotyping to create a possible likeness of the mother of the baby.


Likeness of mother based on DNA phenotype technology (Calgary Police Service)

DNA phenotyping, the process used by the CPS when pursuing this case, predicts physical appearance and ancestry from unidentified DNA.

CPS were able to proceed with charges due to the use of CCTV footage and confirmation of DNA from both the baby and the mother.

The name of the accused has not yet been released by police, though it will become public once they have appeared before a Justice of Peace, the release states.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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