Spotted on Reddit: Visiting Californians stumped by Calgary's Ginger Beef

Jul 18 2017, 5:34 am

If you’re a food lover headed to Calgary for a visit, it might be wise to do a little research on the foods YYC is known for. Of course, they don’t call YYC Cowtown for nothing (hello, beef!), but there’s also Canada’s signature cocktail, the Caesar, and a westernized Chinese dish called Ginger Beef.

Of course, Calgary’s Ginger Beef isn’t like the dish you might order up at your city’s Chinese restaurants.

See also

Take Albertan beef and deep fry it and toss in a sticky sweet sauce along with veggies like carrots and peppers, and you’ve got a Chinese-Canadian dish that calls YYC home. It’s a signature dish on some of Calgary’s long-standing Chinese restaurants, too.

So when some visiting Californians left their Yelp review of a restaurant that specializes in Ginger Beef, it seems they came to the table more than a little unstudied on the subject.

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“Horrible. Not good,” the reviewer from Antioch, California begins, then proceeds to call out the dish for being, well…exactly what it is: “beef coated & deep fried,” and in “some kind of sweet dark sauce.”

Turns out, they were expecting “sliced fresh beef with fresh ginger.”

As Calgary’s Redditors point out, the same diner may run into similar trouble ordering a Caesar and getting a red cocktail with celery garnish rather than a salad with creamy dressing, croutons, and parm.

To be fair, it does sound like the Yelper had some other issues with the restaurant.

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Craving Calgary’s very own Ginger Beef right about now? Here are some of our favourite places to get it in YYC.

h/t Reddit

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