Now it’s not going to be shorts and t-shirt weather or anything, but we can say that this weekend’s weather will be a significant improvement over the wild week we’ve just seen.
Coming out of a literal winter storm, Calgary’s weather is expected to get a little warmer and a lot brighter, as the snow-filled clouds are forecasted to part on Friday morning.
A chilly day is still in the cards for Friday, with temperatures getting as low as -12°C on that (thankfully) clear night. Saturday brings the warmth – if you can call it that – with a high of -2*C and sunny skies during the day.
Sunday will see some clouds move in, and a 60% chance of flurries later that night – but don’t worry, the worst is behind us.
Another snow route parking ban will come into effect on Saturday at 10 am, so make sure you’re parking your vehicles in the right spots, or you may end up like the 2,945 Calgarians who were ticketed during the last ban.
Enjoy all that Vitamin D while you can, Calgary!