Calgary will see highs of 8°C and sunshine by start of next week

Jan 16 2020, 11:04 pm

The great freeze of January 2020 is finally coming to an end.

After what will have been an entire week of sub -20°C temperatures, the city of Calgary will soon see some warmer weather, according to Environment Canada.

And we don’t just mean it’ll “warm” up to the -10s — we mean that some actual warmth is coming our way with temperatures getting close to 10°C.

Keep your headache remedies close, though, because the temperature shift will be quick and abrupt, going from -23°C on Saturday to a nice balmy 1°C on Sunday.

The weather will get even warmer as what is likely a chinook makes its way into town at the start of next week, with highs of 7°C on Monday and 8°C on Tuesday.


Calgary weather (Environment Canada)

Wednesday will apparently cool off to a high of 6°C, though that’s basically a warm spring day compared to what we’ve recently been dealing with.

We may be celebrating a little prematurely, sure — Thursday, Friday, and Saturday will see highs of just -26°C, -24°C, and -23°C, respectively — but just the thought of that sunshine in our future is enough to get us through the next few chilly days.

As usual, Calgary remains under an Environment Canada Extreme Cold warning, so be careful when going outside, and keep an eye out for any cold-related symptoms in yourself or those around you.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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