Calgarians to experience a -17°C temperature drop this Saturday

Jan 29 2019, 1:19 am

Put on your toques and bring along those mittens, because the weekend is expected to take a turn for the cold out here in Calgary.

While we’ve been enjoying mostly mild winter so far this year, a chilly reminder that we are, in fact, living in one of the coldest countries in the world is on its way to the city this weekend, according to a long-range forecast from Environment Canada.

See also

The temperature is expected to plummet by 17°C between this Friday and Saturday, dropping from a crisp and clear 4°C on February 1 to -13°C and a 60% chance of snow on February 2.


Calgary weather this week (Environment Canada)

That cruel, cold winter air will get even colder and crueler on Saturday night when the gauges are expected to show -19°C, and the only solace coming with daylight on Sunday will be in the form of another -13°C day.

But, before we dive headfirst back into a true winter, Calgary will actually get to enjoy a few days of moderate warmth on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The midweek temperatures will range from 4°C to 5°C — a significant improvement over the chilly -5°C we’re experiencing today and tomorrow.

We’re sure that much colder days are likely on their way as we head into February, so just make sure to make the most of the sunshine, and bundle up for when those cold winds come a-blowin’.

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