People are wondering when Premier Kenney will say if Monday is a holiday in Alberta

Sep 14 2022, 4:56 pm

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has yet to announce if Alberta will mark Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday with a holiday, leading many people to wonder when he will decide on what to do.

On Tuesday morning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the Queen’s funeral will be a federal holiday, leaving it up to the provinces and territories whether they would honour the day for all workers.

Quebec and Ontario have said they will not be marking the day with a holiday, while Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador announced they will join the federal government in making September 19 a provincial holiday.

British Columbia will close schools and government offices for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday, but the province stopped short of designating it a holiday for workers in the private sector.

On Wednesday, Kenney tweeted about the province’s plans to proclaim the accession of King Charles III as King of Canada, as well as a special sitting of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly to offer tributes to the late Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday.

Many people responded to Kenney with questions that are on many Albertan’s minds: will Alberta have a holiday for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday?

The state funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday, September 19 at 11 am local time.

Canada follows the lead of other Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand, which have both announced public holidays on September 22 and 26, respectively.

Laine MitchellLaine Mitchell

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