This stunning waterfall is only a 20 minute drive from downtown Victoria

Aug 2 2024, 10:23 pm

Upper Goldstream Falls is a picturesque destination located within Goldstream Provincial Park, just a short drive from Victoria.

No matter the time of year, this waterfall is totally worth it and very low-key. One of the most amazing aspects is during the salmon spawn in the fall.

The trailhead is near the campsite, and once you start, you’re immediately surrounded by Vancouver Island rainforests and the rushing Goldstream River.

The hike to the falls is relatively easy, taking about 20-30 minutes along a well-maintained trail; along it, you’ll be surrounded by towering Douglas firs, western red cedars, and lush ferns.

The falls are fed by Goldstream River, which runs nearby and is renowned for its salmon run in the fall, where thousands of salmon return to spawn, making it a popular spot for nature enthusiasts and photographers.

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