These are some of the most dangerous intersections in Greater Victoria

Jul 19 2024, 6:00 pm

Victoria is implementing major changes to reduce traffic fatalities and collisions. In 2024 alone, there has been at least one fatality and several collisions resulting in hospitalizations.

We examined data from 2018 to 2022 to identify the most dangerous intersections in Victoria, highlighting areas where drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians need to stay especially vigilant.


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Out of each of the 13 municipalities in the Greater Victoria region, Saanich, by far, faces the most collisions, particularly the six intersections listed above, most of which are either near or on the Trans-Canada Highway and total over 200 collisions.

According to the data, the most dangerous intersection in Greater Victoria is the off-ramp of the Trans-Canada Highway leading to McKenzie Avenue. Between 2018 and 2022, 267 recorded collisions occurred in this area.


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In Victoria — the more densely populated of each municipality — there are more collisions on various streets, but they appear to be concentrated in the areas of Burnside and Hillside.

Four intersections, in particular, have more than 200 collisions and reside in that area.

The intersection of Douglas and Finlayson streets is tied for number one with the most collisions in Victoria (with 232).

It’s unsurprising, seeing as it’s a main artery to the Trans-Canada highway, it’s near Mayfair Mall, and there’s a bus lane that drivers often utilize to get past the backed-up traffic during rush hour.

That intersection was tied with another chaotic intersection in Victoria: Douglas Street, Gorge Road, and Government Street. This, essentially, has three crossroads, with each being a major through road to downtown.


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With 254 collisions, the Millstream Road turnoff to the Trans-Canada highway and the turnoff at Veterans Parkway are the most dangerous intersections in Langford. The trend we see is that the Trans-Canada can be a very dangerous turnoff. Speed limits range from 80 km/h to 50 km/h.

It’s good to take note of where these areas are so you can avoid any collisions.

While we identified the most dangerousrcollision areas, for a further look, check this map out.

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