Two Whistler restaurants flagged for possible COVID-19 exposures

Jan 25 2021, 9:29 pm

Two Whistler restaurants have been flagged by health authorities for possible COVID-19 exposures.

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is warning patrons who visited Hy’s Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar (4308 Main Street) and El Furniture Warehouse (4314 Main Street) in Whistler earlier this month that they could be at risk for potential COVID-19 exposure.

The possible exposures occurred at Hy’s Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar from January 13 to January 16 during operating hours and at El Furniture Warehouse on January 12 and January 14 to January 21 during operating hours.

VCH said that while these exposures are believed to be low risk, they would like anyone who was at these restaurant locations on these dates and during operating hours to self-monitor for symptoms.

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