Fix your bike for FREE this week at these locations

May 30 2023, 5:35 pm

Is your bike making a creaking sound? Pop-up bike stations across Metro Vancouver will be offering basic maintenance service until Sunday, June 4.

Locations include Vancouver downtown and Mount Pleasant, as well as Richmond, Surrey, and Coquitlam.

maintenance vancouver go by bike week

The campaign is part of HUB Cycling’s spring go by bike week. Check out the detailed schedule and location on its website.

Most of the stations will be offering snacks and coffee in the morning. If basic maintenance is not enough of a safety net, the station at Open Way Community Church in East Vancouver will also be offering bike blessings on Wednesday, May 31.

Fancy purchasing an e-bike in wake of the new rebate program? Hop on a free test ride at Iron Workers Bridge in North Vancouver on Wednesday, May 31, or Trout Lake Park on Saturday, June 3.

HUB Cycling said they wish to encourage more people to cycle for commuting purposes than just a day-off leisure activity.

Do you think Vancouver is a bikeable city? Let us know in the comments.

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