Weaver says BC Green MLAs "afraid" to stand against LNG development

May 25 2020, 6:04 pm

Former BC Green Party leader Andrew Weaver accused his colleagues of cowardice over the weekend, tweeting that they weren’t ready to stand against liquefied natural gas (LNG) development in the province.

There are several LNG projects operating in BC, and controversy over a new Coastal GasLink project in northern BC made headlines earlier this year as a group of Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs demanded it not cross their traditional territory.

On Saturday, Weaver tweeted that his former Green colleagues in the legislature, Adam Olsen and Sonia Furstenau, “were afraid to stand up to the BC NDP [with regard to] the LNG development.”

Weaver also revealed he was ready to force an election over his opposition to LNG development.

“I was ready to go to election, but in my opinion, they were more interested in re-election than they were about standing up for @BCGreen principles,” he tweeted.

The BC Greens have had an agreement to support Premier John Horgan’s NDP minority government since the close election in 2017, when the three Green MLAs held the balance of power in the legislature.

Weaver stepped down from being the BC Greens leader in January, and he now sits as an independent MLA. He does not plan to seek reelection.

Megan DevlinMegan Devlin

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