Metro Vancouver forecast calls for sunshine, temperatures over 20°C

May 4 2020, 4:08 pm

The past weekend brought a mixed bag of weather to Metro Vancouver, including pouring rain, gusts of wind, thunderstorms, and even hail.

Fortunately, this week’s forecast is a welcome improvement.

Environment Canada is calling for a mix of sun and cloud during the day on Monday and Tuesday, with a 60% chance of showers overnight on both days.

Wednesday during the daytime also calls for clouds and a 60% chance of showers, however, the forecast transitions to clear skies towards the second half of the week.


Metro Vancouver’s seven-day forecast, according to Environment Canada. (Environment Canada)

Thursday through Sunday calls for sunshine, with temperatures between 20°C and 21°C on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

The weather agency said Friday and Saturday could be especially warm, with temperatures of up to 25°C inland.


Temperatures in Metro Vancouver are expected to break 20 towards the latter half of the week. (Environment Canada)

Orders from health and government officials to practice physical distancing still apply, however, regardless of the weather.

Warm and sunny conditions over prior weeks have drawn large, dense crowds to seawalls, beaches, and parks across Metro Vancouver.

While health authorities say that it’s essential to spend time outside and exercise, it’s even more important that individuals remain in small groups within their household and stay within their neighbourhood.

Vincent PlanaVincent Plana

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