Get outside while you can because it's going to rain all week in Vancouver

Jan 10 2023, 6:44 pm

A “nuisance jet stream” is being blamed for bringing lots and lots of rain to BC’s South Coast this week.

The driest day is expected to be Wednesday, but even then there’s a 30% chance of showers in Vancouver, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.

While it will be wet from Thursday onwards, temperatures could hover near double digits almost every day this week and even overnight lows aren’t expected to get near the freezing mark.

The forecast suggests we could see rain until Monday, making for a wet weekend if meteorologists are accurate in the long-term prediction.

Bad news for outdoor soccer games, but good news for those who need an excuse to make soup and curl up lazily on the couch with a book.

According to The Weather Network, all of this is being brought by a jet stream and some stormy days are expected throughout the month.

“The jet stream will meander north and south during the month and should deliver enough storms to bring near-normal or slightly above-normal precipitation totals to the South Coast region of BC, including Vancouver and Victoria,” the network said earlier this month.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, January is typically a fun month for stargazing, with the Quadrantid Meteor Shower, seeing the moon move in its orbit, and chances to spot several planets, including Mercury.

Mercury planet

“Mercury arrives at greatest elongation, 25 degrees west of the Sun. It will be visible to the naked eye until February 12,” the Farmers’ Almanac said. (Vadim Sadovski/Shutterstock)

The planet will be visible to the naked eye from January 30 to mid-February, weather permitting of course.

With files from Megan Devlin

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