Brave tiny dog gets up close to a bear in Coquitlam (VIDEO)

May 8 2019, 3:34 am

A tiny dog nearly bit off more than he could chew — literally — by running up very close to a huge bear in a Coquitlam forest.

In a video posted to YouTube by Dave Jonsson, the brave pup is seen barking at and getting up close and personal to the massive bruin.

Despite the noticeable size difference, the little doggo, named Jersey, is unwavering when face to face with the bear — even growling while looking him down right in the face as his owners call out for him.

Luckily, the pup’s owners managed to get the bear to turn around and retreat and everyone, including the dog, was okay.

As it turns out, sometimes it’s a good thing to be all bark and no bite.

Check out the video below.

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