Smeared eye discharge? BC strata owner sued for tenant's vile behaviour

Dec 7 2023, 7:31 pm

Paul Burmy, a BC strata owner, was sued for his tenant’s disgusting behaviour, with the strata corporation alleging he committed 75 bylaw infractions.

Some of the claims against the BC strata owner and his tenant aren’t for the faint of heart, like the claim that the tenant wiped discharge from his dog’s eye on an elevator wall or spit on a common property wall.

Burmy was also accused of not keeping his dog on a leash while on common property, verbally accosting the building manager, physically threatening him, and writing harassing and abusive emails, texts, and social posts to or about the building manager, strata manager, and strata council members.

The BC Civil Resolution Tribunal sided with the strata in this case, and here’s why.

Fines levied against the owner and tenant totalled $9,400 and were imposed between August 31, 2021, and February 23, 2022. Most of the penalties relate to harassment.

While the tenant disputed the allegations when they were proposed, the owner now does not contest them. According to the tribunal decision, the strata’s allegations were undisputed because they were either written communications or captured on video.

According to the owner, the strata failed to follow the proper process in imposing the fines, and the tenant’s behaviour towards the managers and other owners didn’t breach the bylaws.

The tribunal agreed that for some of the fines imposed, the strata didn’t follow the correct process, but for most of the penalties, it did.

The tenant also made some claims about the strata manager being sexist or a white supremacist, but these claims were unfounded.

Though the strata did not win its entire claim of $9,400, the tribunal did find that the strata was entitled to $5,808.61, which included $5,400 in properly imposed fines and the rest in tribunal fees.

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