Golden egg stolen from $2.8M Salvador Dali sculpture in downtown Vancouver

Jun 24 2019, 4:17 am

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The theft and vandalism of the Golden Egg of an original Salvador Dali sculpture in downtown Vancouver could spell the end of the display of such public art pieces in the city.

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Chali-Rosso Art Gallery is seeking the public’s help for information on the Sunday morning theft of the centrepiece of the 12-ft-tall Space Venus sculpture, located at the intersection of West Hastings Street and Hornby Street.

“The vandals have stolen the Golden Egg that sits on top of the lower half of the torso of the Venus. There is absolutely no value to the egg alone, making this a senseless and selfish act on the part of the vandals,” said the gallery in a released statement.

“The loss to the sculpture however, is truly monumental. This is an original Salvador Dali sculpture.”

According to the gallery, the sculpture is valued at $2.8 million, and it is the fifth large-scale sculpture curators have brought to Vancouver at “considerable expense” — as public art for “the benefit of residents and guests to our city.”

“This is not just a huge loss for the gallery, but also for the entire city and the millions of guests who will no longer be able to enjoy the intact sculpture,” the statement continues.

“Sadly, it may also be the last time we are able to fund the presentation of a magnificent, original Salvador Dali sculpture to the people of Vancouver.”

Such statues by Salvador Dali are displayed in cities around the world, and instances of vandalism and theft on the installations are rare.

“It is extremely distressing that this would happen here in Vancouver,” adds the gallery. “We would encourage the vandals to surrender the sculptural egg to the Vancouver Police Department without delay.”

Gallery officials believe CCTV cameras at hundreds of business in the vicinity may have captured something suspicious during Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

Anyone who has information on the theft is asked to call the Vancouver Police Department immediately at 604-717-3321 or contact the gallery at 604-733-3594 or [email protected].

The Chali-Rosso Art Gallery was founded in 2005, and is located at 549 Howe Street in downtown Vancouver.

As part of the Definitely Dali project, the Chali-Rosso Gallery has 100 additional original Salvador Dali artworks, including 20 gallery-size sculptures, at their Howe Street location, free for the public to view.

Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

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