Russia blacklists Trudeau and 312 other Canadians from entering country

Mar 15 2022, 5:44 pm

Following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to the Canadian parliament, Russia has banned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from entering their country.

In a press release issued today, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs shared a list of people banned from entering Russiaa total of 313 individuals. In the statement, the ministry said Ottawa was competing with Washington in its “Russophobic rage.”

“This step [is] in response to the outrageous hostility of the current Canadian regime, which has tested our patience for so long,” the Ministry wrote.

“Every Russophobic attack — be it attacks on Russian diplomatic missions, airspace closures, or Ottawa’s actual severing of bilateral economic ties to the detriment of Canadian interests — will inevitably receive a decisive and not necessarily symmetrical rebuff.”

The blacklist, which can be viewed here, includes PM Trudeau, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly, Minister of Defence Anita Anand, and “most of the deputies of the House of Commons of the Canadian Parliament,” as well as other prominent government officials.

On Tuesday morning, Zelenskyy received praise from Trudeau, followed by a three-minute standing ovation and a round of applause in the Canadian parliament. Members were heard chanting “Slava Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine).