Motive in murder of Marpole couple still unknown, say Vancouver police

Nov 9 2017, 6:00 am

Vancouver Police say they still have no idea why Rocky Rambo Wei Nam Kam allegedly murdered a Marpole couple in their home in September.

Kam, 25, was charged with second-degree murder on Tuesday, almost two months after Dianna Mah-Jones, 65, and Richard Jones, 68, were found dead.

Speaking to a reporters on Wednesday, Vancouver Police Chief. Const. Adam Palmer said police still can’t find any connection between Kam and the victims.

“There was nothing untoward whatsoever in the victims’ backgrounds,” said Palmer. “They were upstanding people just going about their lives, causing no trouble for anybody.”

The accused lived nearby, said Palmer, but has no criminal or mental health history, and there is no evidence of any link whatsoever between he and the victims.

Kam was born in Hong Kong, but emigrated to Calgary as a teenager, and had been living in Vancouver since July, but had no family or job here, said Palmer.

Palmer declined to say anything about the crime scene, weapons used, or how the couple died, saying only that “this was a very serious case.”

“This was a very complex murder investigation,” he said, adding that 200 officers and civilians, from 15 different units, had worked round the clock for six weeks on the case.

“As chief I am very proud of our team for their very solid, thorough investigative work,” said Palmer, who also thanked the “fantastic” public for their help on the case.

Police received 100 videos and many tips from the public in response to police requests for information, said Palmer.

Kam was arrested on Monday, and is now in custody. He will make his next court appearance on November 14.

See also
Jenni SheppardJenni Sheppard

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