Puppy undergoes surgery after having acid thrown in its face

Feb 14 2019, 3:00 am

A puppy severely injured in Iran is getting a new lease on life here in Canada, thanks to an overseas adoption, the generosity of strangers, and a surgery that has been deemed a success.

Mugsy was only 40-days-old when someone tossed a corrosive cleaner and salts at her face, severely burning her right eye and nose.

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Following the horrific incident, she was taken to a veterinarian to be euthanized, but as it turned out, the pup would get a second lease on life.

A volunteer from Persian Paws Rescue and Loved at Last stepped in and vouched for the tiny dog to have her damaged eye surgically removed and to begin walking down the road to recovery.

Four months later, Mugsy was adopted overseas to the Lower Mainland and arrived just before Christmas to continue her medical needs where it could be done by specialists in Canada West Animal Hospital.

“However, because Mugsy was so young when she was injured, her jaw continued to grow and deviated by damage to her face, as part of her skull is still expanding through her scars,” writes Taylor. “Her nasal cavity is completely exposed and vulnerable to infection and further tissue damage, and desperately needs surgical intervention to correct.”


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On Wednesday, Mugsy’s owner, Sam Taylor, told Daily Hive that Mugsy had come through her surgery successfully.

“She spent last night at the clinic and this morning the vet let me know that she is bright and alert and eating well,” said Taylor. “Now and they are weaning her off intravenous pain meds and starting her on the oral kind… hopefully she will be coming home today.”

Although it was originally thought that the pup would need another surgery as part of her recovery,  Taylor said the vet had told her that there may not need to be a second surgery after all.

“It is very exciting and I’m very glad to hear that she may not need to go under anesthesia again at all,” said Taylor. “I’m looking forward to seeing Mugsy.”

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