Punk rocker Joe Keithley running for Green Party in Burnaby-Lougheed

Nov 18 2016, 3:03 am

There’s no shortage of political commentary in the song lyrics of longtime BC punk band, DOA. And now, frontman Joe Keithley is hoping to do more than just sing on the subject.

Keithley has been named the nominee for the BC Green Party, in the Burnaby-Lougheed riding, in next year’s provincial elections.

In a statement on the BC Greens website, Keithley states he will “honestly represent our citizen’s concerns in the legislature if I am elected.”

It’s really about giving power back to the people, he adds. “Grassroots democracy is what I am all about.”

Keithley is a life-long resident of Burnaby and grew up “two blocks from the Kinder Morgan oil tank farm.”

Among his platform plans, Keithley says he and the Green Party will fight to stop the pipeline expansion and put money back into the education system.

“We will also work to create good paying jobs through ‘green’ technology and lessening our dependence on fossil fuels,” he adds.

The BC NDP and the BC Liberals only answer to the special interest groups that give them money, Keithley states.

“The Greens will work to stop those campaign donations, so our citizens have more say in our great province.”

And Keithley isn’t the only familiar face running for political office in the Burnaby-Lougheed riding.

Steve Darling, former Morning News anchor on Global BC, will run for the BC Liberals.

The provincial election will take place on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. To find out more about the election and how to register to vote, check elections.bc.ca.

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