Daily Hive acquires Toronto news startup Pressed

Feb 25 2020, 8:13 pm

Daily Hive is proud to announce the acquisition of the Toronto-based news startup, Pressed.

As part of the acquisition, Jacqueline Leung, founder of Pressed, joins Daily Hive as Managing Editor.

“Through quality content, Pressed helped people join in on conversations, understand different perspectives, and make important decisions. I’m excited to continue pushing this mission forward in my new role at Daily Hive,” says Leung.

pressed daily hive Jacqueline leung

Pressed founder Jacqueline Leung (Keidi Janz)

For three years, Pressed reached thousands of Canadians with its popular daily email newsletter and social media community. Loyal readers know Pressed for its witty tone of voice and concise explanation of complex world issues.

With a commitment to expanding the reader experience, Daily Hive recently introduced channel-specific newsletters that deliver customized content to readers directly from the writers and editors creating it.

Since 2008, Daily Hive has been committed to creating compelling, hyperlocal content. We embrace the unique qualities that exist in a city and report on stories that produce genuine conversation among communities.

We’re excited to have Jacqueline on board to help us keep our promise to readers to make important information accessible and easily digestible.


Share your feedback with us and let us know what you’d like to see come to Daily Hive by emailing [email protected]

Farhan MohamedFarhan Mohamed

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