6 lottery players who won a life-changing amount of cash this year

Dec 15 2022, 10:00 am

A lot of people dream about winning the lottery. But for these lucky Canadians, that dream actually turned into a reality after winning the jackpot this year.

Now wealthier than they could have ever imagined, here’s how they learned about their win and share what they plan to do with the life-changing amount of cash.

Stephen Dixon – $20 million


When Stephen Dixon, a Scarborough, Ontario resident, discovered that he had won the $20 million jackpot, has said he was too shocked to take it all in.

While everyone at the store was dancing and congratulating him, Dixon said he was in a daze.

“I got into my car and realized how shocked I was,” said the 70-year-old retiree. “Too shocked to celebrate like they do in commercials.”

Apart from taking care of his loved ones, he said he has no other plans for his winnings.

“I’m not a materialistic person. For me, this win is not about stuff, it’s about family,” he said. “I have some wonderful people in my life I want to share this with.”

Yvonne Sauve – $36.4 million


When Yvonne Sauve, a Barrie, Ontario resident, saw the amount she had won on the screen, she thought, “Oh, this can’t be right.”

But it was no mistake: using a Free Play, Sauve had won $36,449,852.60 in the Lotto 649 January 12 draw.

“I’m going to be changing a lot of lives with this money,” said Sauve, adding that she’s relieved she now has the financial security to retire. She plans to treat herself to a trip to Nashville with friends.

When she picked up her cheque, Sauve said that it’s going to take some getting used to.

“I’m so accustomed to pinching pennies it’s going to take some time to settle,” she said.

Nishit Parikh – $55 million


When Nishit Parikh, 30, found out he won the $55 million Lotto Max jackpot, his father had to use his own phone to scan the ticket to make sure it wasn’t a glitch.

The professional project manager from Toronto said that he’s “overcome with joy.”

“I thought to myself, ‘Now I can finally afford a house in Toronto,’” he he said, laughing.

Parikh said he plans to seek professional advice on how to manage his money and will be investing in real estate. He’ll also be using the money to take care of his parents and plans to live a “normal and low-key” life.

“I’m pretty sure I will be checking my bank account a lot to see that amount of money in there,” he said.

Parikh said he also plans to travel to South America.

“This win gives me freedom and opportunity to spread my wings and see the world,” he said.

Leah Murdoch-Gerics – $60 million


Leah Murdoch-Gerics, 58, was getting ready for a busy day so she ignored what would turn out to be a life-changing email from OLG.

When she finally realized that she had won $60 million, she said she was “suddenly calm.”

The Hamilton, Ontario resident said that once reality sunk in, she realized that the jackpot comes with a huge responsibility.

“My husband and I realized the responsibility of this win immediately,” she said. “It’s a huge blessing. We are very aware that we have to use this money wisely.”

She said her husband is planning to retire and has accepted a new role: family money manager.

“I feel so humbled and honoured to be in this place at this moment,” she said.

Vera Page – $60 million


When staff at her retirement home rescheduled their weekly grocery trip, Vera Page took matters into her own hands.

“I got on my motorized scooter and went to the store myself,” said the 83-year-old mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother from Vankleek Hill, Ontario.

While at the store, she remembered to buy her regular lottery tickets and it’s a good thing, too: Page won the the Lotto Max jackpot worth $60 million in the November 1 draw.

She said she has some exciting plans: she’ll be building a home for herself and her son’s family by the Ottawa River, buying a boat, and going on an Alaskan cruise.

But she has more pressing matters to deal with first.

“I am getting new hearing aids!” she said.

Mitchel Dyck – $70 million


Mitchel Dyck, a Calgary resident, said he’s not a regular lottery player. So it came as a massive shock when found out he had won the $70 million Lotto Max jackpot in October 21 draw.

“I thought, ‘Is that even a thing?'” Dyck said, recalling the surreal moment. “It was just something you never expect.”

He said having such a valuable ticket with him was so nerve-wrecking he had to store it in a safety deposit box the next day.

“We found a private banker who will help us manage this,” he said, while at the prize centre to pick up his whopping $70 million cheque. “For right now, it’s just going in the bank until we can make some more plans.”

With files from Laine Mitchell.

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