Renovations complete at Lonsdale SeaBus terminal

Feb 23 2018, 8:30 am

Upgrades to the SeaBus terminal at Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver have reached completion, according to TransLink.

The public transit authority says renovations to the north terminal were finished earlier this week, with upgrades consisting of a new roof, metal cladding, and windows. The same work will now commence on the south terminal at Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver.

Renovations to Lonsdale SeaBus terminal in North Vancouver. (TransLink)

The terminal renovation project began in 2016 and has a total budget of $12.5 million, which includes a retrofit of the SeaBus operations and maintenance building immediately west of the Lonsdale terminal.

While the terminals seem like fixed structures, they are actually super-sized floating barges – attached to land – that rise and fall with the tides.

Lonsdale SeaBus Terminal

Renovations to Lonsdale SeaBus terminal in North Vancouver. (TransLink)

Public washroom facilities at both terminals were also recently renovated as part of the upgrade project. These are the only dedicated public washroom facilities on Metro Vancouver’s public transit network.


Public washrooms at both SeaBus terminals were recently renovated. (TransLink)

Further upgrades could be made to the Waterfront Station terminal in the future if TransLink proceeds with a proposal to allow private passenger-only ferry and water taxi operators to launch new services from the terminal to Victoria, Nanaimo, and the Sunshine Coast.

There is currently a planned private venture to operate a commuter, passenger-only high-speed ferry service between downtown Vancouver and Nanaimo, but another proposed service by the Victoria Clipper to Victoria Inner Harbour was recently cancelled.

More major improvements will be coming to the SeaBus service, with a fourth SeaBus ferry vessel at a cost of $34 million added to the fleet in 2019. This will allow the ferry service to operate every 10 minutes during the morning and evening peak hours.

Approximately 16,000 people currently use SeaBus on a daily basis.

See also