Officials name Kelowna hotels with potential coronavirus exposure

Jul 12 2020, 5:43 pm

Further contact tracing has allowed Interior Health to name a couple of specific locations where coronavirus transmission could have occurred in Kelowna recently.

On Saturday, the health authority asked anyone who attended gatherings at Discovery Bay Resort (between July 1 and 5) or Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge (on July 1) to self-isolate and monitor for coronavirus symptoms.

On Friday, Interior Health issued a sweeping warning about potential coronavirus exposure in Kelowna’s downtown and waterfront around the Canada Day long weekend. Anyone who attended restaurants, bars, or private gatherings in those areas of the city between June 25 and July 6 was asked to monitor themselves closely for symptoms.

Eight people tested positive after spending time in downtown Kelowna over the long weekend, and six of those patients were visitors to the region, Interior Health said.

As a reminder, coronavirus symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue, body aches, and diarrhea.

Anyone who thinks they may have the virus can get tested in BC.