Trudeau gets tongue-tied when asked how his family is cutting out plastic waste (VIDEO)

Jun 11 2019, 7:11 am

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got a bit tongue-tied when asked how his family cuts out on plastic waste while announcing his government’s plans to ban single-use plastics.

“What do you and your family do to cut back on plastics?” asked a reporter during Monday’s announcement, which can be seen below beginning at the 1:25 mark.

The question seemed to have Trudeau lost for words.

See also

“We…uh…uh…we have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of…water out of when we have uh bottles out of uh plastic, sorry, away from plastic towards uh paper — like drink box water bottles sort of things,” he replied.

Looks like Trudeau is really focused on those water bottles.

But at least he was clear that he was moving away from plastic and towards paper… water bottles? Maybe “drink box water bottles” are the next big thing.