Vancouver high school students petition for outdoor, physically-distant graduation

May 29 2020, 4:49 pm

The senior students at John Oliver Secondary School are pushing for an outdoor, physically distant graduation.

A petition was started by Amrit Chohan, a member of the graduating class. She writes that the students are “asking for support” from the community, in hopes of having a convocation that follows the rules of physical distancing.

“The grads of 2020 have been deprived of their shining moment and have the right to feel proud of their accomplishments and success,” she said. “The students and parents deserve to be able to have the day they have been looking forward to for the last 12 years. ”

Chohan argues that this can be done by hosting the graduating outdoors, as opposed to using a traditional celebration hall.

“We can all be spaced out six-feet apart from each other and limit the amount of spectators allowed to watch,” she said.

The student adds that there have been “successful ceremonies” done in a similar fashion across “many parts of the world.”

The celebration, however, would almost certainly exceed the provincial health order to cancel gatherings greater than 50 people.

As of Friday morning, the petition has received 332 signatures with a target goal of 500.

Vincent PlanaVincent Plana

Vincent is a Staff Writer for Daily Hive Vancouver. He struggles with being both a Montreal Canadiens and a Vancouver Canucks fan and spends way too much money on sneakers and hockey equipment. He gets way too competitive over anything and is a true meme connoisseur.

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