Health Canada makes warning stickers mandatory on all prescription opioids

May 3 2018, 12:59 am

Health Canada will be making warning stickers and patient handouts mandatory for all opioids dispensed at pharmacies and doctor’s offices across Canada beginning in October 2018.

Opioid Warning prescription opioids

Health Canada

The bright yellow sticker will warn patients that opioids “can cause dependence, addiction and overdose.”  The sticker will be applied to all opioid containers given to patients.

The warning pamphlet informs patients about the danger and risks connected to the specific medication they have been prescribed.

Opioid Warning prescription opioids

Health Canada

Health Canada will also require pharmaceutical companies to create and implement risk management plans to appropriately monitor, quantify, characterize, and mitigate the risks associated with prescription opioids.

This is the first time the federal government is making a warning sticker and handout mandatory with prescription medication dispensed by pharmacies.

The full details of the new regulations can be found here.

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