Above the clouds, the sun's been shining at Grouse Mountain (PHOTOS)

Dec 9 2017, 9:08 am

Unless you’ve been hiding in a windowless cave somewhere in Metro Vancouver, you’re aware of just how foggy it’s been in the region lately.

But at higher elevations such as Grouse Mountain, it’s a slightly different scene.

Okay, let’s back up a second.

According to Environment Canada, the heavy fog this week has been caused by a strong ridge of high pressure over BC, along with moisture trapped under a temperature inversion.

What does that mean? Well, if we pay attention to that last part about inversion, it means that while it’s been cold and crazy foggy down here, it’s been exceptionally sunny up there.

And on Friday, the popular North Shore mountain shared photos of just how bright it’s been above the sea of clouds over Vancouver.

So if you feel like you need to clear your head this weekend, heading up into the mountains might just be the way to do it.

Above the fog at Grouse Mountain (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog. (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog at Grouse Mountain (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog. (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog at Grouse Mountain (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog. (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog at Grouse Mountain (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog. (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog at Grouse Mountain (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

Above the fog. (Grouse Mountain Resorts)

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