$80,000 to be hidden in Vancouver for a real-life treasure hunt this August

Jul 13 2019, 2:37 am

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Who needs a summer job when you can simply track down a trove of treasure?

Event production company ArsenalFX has put together a real-life treasure hunt called gold Rush for Vancouverites this August, with plans to hide at least $80,000 somewhere within the city.

See also

Not to be confused with GoldHunt, a similar event that has already hosted treasure hunts in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver this summer, Gold Rush will incorporate a short film called “Who Shot The Boss” on their website, kicking off the clue-filled mystery that leads to their grand prize.

Gold Rush has plans to host the hunt all throughout Canada, with separate events taking place in Ottawa, Edmonton, Montreal, Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver, featuring a minimum win of $80,000 for each city — equalling out to around half a million dollars in loot overall.

The Vancouver competition will start on August 24, with prepurchased treasure maps (containing clues about the location of the treasure) being released at 9 am day-of to participants.

A few clues have apparently already been released in Gold Rush’s promo video if you want to get a head start on the competition…

Good luck!

See also
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