"Was that you?" Fart noise interrupts Canucks broadcast

Jan 19 2023, 6:36 pm

Who farted?

That’s what everyone wants to know after a fart noise cut into last night’s Vancouver Canucks television broadcast.

It sounded like someone let it rip, just as Canucks goalie Collin Delia left the puck for Quinn Hughes during a late first-period power play.

“Was that you?” John Shorthouse asked John Garrett on the Sportsnet broadcast.

“No, it wasn’t,” Garrett replied, as the two broadcasters began laughing.

So… who farted?

#FartGate began trending Canada-wide, as a nation tried to figure out the mystery.

Another clue came from the Tampa broadcast, as the fart was heard there too. Perhaps that makes Dave Randorf a suspect as well.

But the fart sound was heard on the home and away radio broadcasts as well, according to Tyler Green. Add Sportsnet 650’s Brendan Batchelor and Randip Janda to the suspect list.

Perhaps the flatulent noise came from one of the players on the ice, or a fan in the crowd? Would Delia’s skate make that loud of a sound as he came to a stop?

Did someone sit on a Whoopee cushion? Or was it merely a microphone malfunction?

The game ended in a 5-2 win for the Tampa Bay Lightning, and without a resolution to #FartGate, meaning the suspect is still on the loose.

Rob WilliamsRob Williams

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