Mix and match: How to create the perfect eclectic look in your home

Mar 4 2021, 4:00 pm

Working your personal style into the decor of your house is part of what makes the space feel like home.

Your tastes and preferences are different from everyone else’s, so why should your house feel like a cookie-cutter template?

Exploring your style and creating a home that feels uniquely yours is one of the great joys of having your own space.

When it comes to creating the perfect eclectic look, you need to draw inspiration from different sources and embrace that they fall into different “styles” as this is what will give your space its unique eclectic feel and make it really feel like your home.

There are so many sources for inspiration nowadays that sometimes it can become overwhelming figuring out what you actually want.

2071 Creelman / Kendall Ansell

2071 Creelman / Kendall Ansell

We love online platforms like Pinterest or Instagram Collections that can help you organize looks that you like and different styles that speak to you.

If you’re out in the real world and find something that you love, take a picture so you can reflect on what it was.

Once you’ve found your sources of inspiration, you need to break them down into elements that you want to see in your home.

When you have found the elements you can’t live without, it’s time to go shopping and hunt them down.

Where to find eclectic gems

Pieces that fit your eclectic style can come from all over. Start at vintage shops and auctions to find those truly one-of-a-kind pieces.

If there’s something unique and very specific you’re looking for, ask the person whose photo it’s from, or the owner of the house you’re in where they got it.

For those truly unique pieces, it’s not uncommon to have to do a bit of investigative work. This doesn’t mean every piece has to be unique and hard to find.

If you adore a coffee table from an online store, then you should get it. The eclectic style includes embracing all the style elements you love, new or old, hard to find or common. 

Go eclectic

There are also some go-to style elements that will really give your home its eclectic feel. Gallery walls are a fantastic way to display photos and art you love in a fun and unique way. Find frames that you like.


Courtesy Pexels

It’s okay if they don’t all look the same, in fact it’s probably better if they don’t. You can then print photos of your favourite memories or order a print from an artist that you love to fill the frames.

These walls are always fun to make and are a great conversation starter when guests are around.

Mixing colours and neutrals are a great way to anchor your home’s design. Find contrasting colours and neutral tones that fit well together, like this year’s Pantone colours in yellow and grey, and incorporate them in your design.

We love vibrant jewel tones and smokey greys for a dramatic look, or bright cheery pops of colour against a white wall for a cleaner, more boho look. Using different textures is also a fantastic way to make a place feel interesting and inviting.


Courtesy Kendall Ansell

Use metal lamps and wicker tables, or toss a knit blanket and a leather pillow on the sofa; play with textures and finishes to make your space unique.

Decor elements can be difficult as they can look out of place on their own. When going for an eclectic design, layering is your best friend. Stack some interesting old books and top with a plant or candle.

If you find a unique vintage tray, you can display an old tea set or a plant in an interesting vase. The great part about layering is that it also allows you to play with height and shape. Use trays, books, and boxes as staking elements and create a dynamic display to make your surfaces more visually appealing.


Courtesy Kendall Ansell

Whatever direction you decide to take the design of your space, make sure you love it and that it feels like home to you.

Your home is the space you come to after a long day, it’s where you want to be able to entertain friends, and it’s where you want to be able to express yourself, so make it unique and make it your own!