Distracted driver ticketed twice within 6 minutes in downtown Vancouver

Mar 20 2019, 1:49 am

This driver learned the hard way after receiving $736 in tickets for distracted driving within a six-minute time period.

According to Vancouver Police, the driver was pulled over in downtown Vancouver on March 18 at 9:49 am for distracted driving. The officer issued a $368 ticket.

Then, just six minutes later, the same driver was stopped by a different officer for distracted driving again and issued another $368 ticket.

See also

“Two distracted driving tickets issued yesterday within six minutes by two different officers to the same driver, in the same car, for using their cell phone. Make road safety a priority,” wrote the VPD Traffic Unit on Twitter.

March is Distracted Driving month and police are being extra vigilant and cracking down on drivers using their phones behind the wheel.

This weekend alone over 250 distracted driving tickets were issued in Vancouver. The VPD Traffic Unit has given out over 1,110 tickets during distracted driving month.